Stay at home mums know they have chosen a hectic profession, right? But think about what happens when you hit mum burnout. I know because I have been there; it isn’t pretty! Staying on top of your game is one…
Stay at home mums know they have chosen a hectic profession, right? But think about what happens when you hit mum burnout. I know because I have been there; it isn’t pretty! Staying on top of your game is one…
Distance Education in Australia is a growing alternative to traditional schooling. Every Australian state offers at least one public Distance Education option and most have private Distance Education options. Below is a comprehensive list of Distance Education providers in Australia,…
How do I homeschool my Defiant Child? This is a question that pops up on Facebook chats from time to time. I understand the frustration as I have 2 defiant children myself! However, recently one response absolutely stunned parents around…
Your mindset plays a major role in how you experience homeschool freedom! A homeschool mindset is significantly different from a traditional, mainstream school mindset. It took me a while to realise this, but once I did, my children and I…